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Go under the cover of darkness and meet one of our cutest marsupials, the native Australian Bilby!

Our brand-new Bilby Discovery Centre is a unique and exciting way for you to come nose-to-nose with our beautiful Bilbies. This state-of-the-art facility features a variety of interactive elements that allow you to truly step into the world of Bilbies in a thriving nocturnal desert experience.

One little marsupial, so much to discover!


Funding Update

The Dreamworld Wildlife Foundation has provided $27,000 of crucial funding to the Save the Bilby Fund. These funds will go towards continued scientific data collection and analysis of Bilby populations within Currawinya National Park, the purchase of a trailer for quad bike transportation for the monitoring and control of feral animal inclusions, and the purchase of a thermal scope also for monitoring along the Bilby fence.

The Greater Bilby is a nocturnal, omnivorous marsupial once native to around 70% of mainland Australia. Due to habitat destruction and the introduction of invasive species like cats and foxes, Bilbies are now found in only 10% of their original natural habitat.

Our Bilby Discovery Centre offers you a rare opportunity to come face-to-face with one of our rare, native Bilbies. This is an immersive experience with opportunities for kids to climb into our viewing dome and come nose-to-nose with one of our Bilbies!

Bilbies are expert burrowers, digging up and turning over approximately 20 tonnes of sand each year to create their burrows, which can reach lengths of up to 3 metres and be as deep as 2 metres underground. It’s in these burrows that Bilbies shelter from predators during the day while they sleep, before coming out at night to forage for food.

But our state-of-heart habitat facility gives you an opportunity to see these amazing creatures in their natural desert environment, without even having to turn the lights on!

Did you know that in Queensland the Bilby is regarded as Endangered, with as few as 500 Bilbies found naturally in the wild? As their population continues to decrease due to introduced predators like cats and foxes, as well as competition from introduced species like rabbits, the battle to save the Bilby is more important than ever.

Join us at the Bilby Discovery Centre every day at 2:45 pm to learn about these fascinating native Australian animals and find out you can help us to save them

They may be small, but our bilbies have BIG personalities! Get to know our beautiful bilbies before meeting them at our new Bilby Discovery Centre.

Daily Bilby Talk

Join our passionate keepers as they share some interesting facts about our bilbies, introduce you to Dreamworld's bilby gang and talk about how we can help to save the bilbies

Daily Bilby Talk | 2:45pm every day | Bilby Discovery Centre

Daily Bilby Talk

Our Bilby Discovery Centre is also home to some very special Australian native wildlife who are just as fascinating and charming as our beautiful bilbies!


We all have a shared responsibility to help save our bilbies. Even from the comfort of our own homes, there are ways we can help Bilbies in the wild.